Wednesday, March 16, 2016

American History I

AHI students are finishing their study of the Gilded Age with an essay test.  The essay topic is below on the extra credit question.

EXTRA CREDIT: How would you summarize the economic, social, and political situation in America at the turn of the 19th century?


  1. To summarize it, in the political side corruption took the control, in the economic, when some were surrounded by richness other fell into poverty, in the social, cities growing at very high rates, immigrants and farmers pouring into cities.

  2. Kaylee KronspergerMarch 16, 2016 at 8:10 PM

    Some of the economic issues during the Gilded age were the sweatshops, the depression, conspicuous consumption, and the union. Issues pertaining to politics mainly focused on the political machines, primarily the Tweed ring. There were also many different ways that votings were rigged. Socially, there were issues with the quality of life. There were the tenements, which were buildings that housed large amounts of people. There were also settlement houses. In these neighborhoods there was no garbage disposal system; this caused an outbreak of diseases, one being Cholera. There were groups of people who tried to solve problems during this time. Populists and Progressives were major reforms. Income tax, referendums, and initiative were created by these groups.

  3. The economic, political, and social situation of America in the 19th century was nothing to be too proud of. The economy was all about the wealthy staying wealthy, while the lower class did all the work. The social outlook was a huge problem for the lower classes. The wealthy used the idea of Social Darwinism as their standing on the lower class. "If they are that way now, then they had it coming to them". The poor, immigrants, and social outcasts were all working in the sweatshops to make ends meet. The political standing was full of corruption. The wealthy,again, took the reins of everything. The Tweed Ring is a huge political machine that ruled to elections with multiple votes by one single person. The Gilded Age was a time of corruption, segregation, and political fraud; Good thing that the reformers came to play!

  4. The economic, social, and political situation in America at the turn of the 19th century was very poor. The economy was run by penniless immigrants working in sweatshops for low wages. Society was split into two extremes, the filthy rich and the extremely poor. The government was run by rich, corrupt politicians and political machines. America as a whole during the Gilded Age was expanding economically but underneath it all were many issues that needed to be fixed.

  5. I would summarize the economic, social, and political situation during the 19th century as a time of need and aid. The economics during that time were slums, most americans lived in tiny tenement house, everyone was constantly sick with disease and they were stuck with terrible jobs. The would work in factories known as sweatshops from dawn to dusk, they were cramped, unsanitary and horrible places that men, women, and children worked. The social situation was even worse, in the tenement house the rooms were super tiny, bunch of people would live in one room, diseases spread like crazy, and there was nothing for emergencies like if there was a fire. Lastley the political situation during this time was so corrupt that the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer. There were political machines so political leaders could cheat during elections and there were also the group called the "Know nothings" who also cheated during elections so that no immigrants could run for political office. Over all The 19th century had lots of changes that were good and bad that have made America what it is today.

  6. The economy eas falling dramatically until hit the drepression in 1873 and 1893. The working-class families were feeling It through the high prices of food and housing also became a terrible problem for this class.
    The factory workers had to spend several hours in factories unregulamented with poorly ventilation and in dimly lit.
    The corrupition inside the politic made the some people create manifestations around cities and rural areas, the government was unresponsive and política machines appeared.
