Friday, December 19, 2014

American History I

American History I students are discussing the events leading to the Civil War.

EXTRA CREDIT: Which event that we studied do you think was the most important cause of the Civil War?  Why?


  1. I think it was the verbal/ violent fight over the question of slavery. While it was an important thing in the combination with Religion for many northern People to abolish it the southern People were depending on slave work as many of them owned plantations or lived from the trade with slaves. Many southerners were worried or affraid of the abolonists.

  2. I that the biggest cause of the civil war was the fact that slavery was accepted by the southerners d not by the northerners. It caused a division between the slave states and the free states over the issue of slavery.

  3. I would say John brown he really pioneered the violence to lead up to the civil war. jack

  4. I think that people trying so hard to free that blacks was a good way to try and start the Civil war.
    Laura Williams 3rd

  5. In my opinion John Brown. Was the major reason for the war. Slavery caused it but he was the one who initiated the violence. It may have been solved buy words or came around at a later time if it were not for him.

