Friday, February 26, 2016

American History II

American History II students are studying the causes, responses, and the attack itself that took place on September 11, 2001.

EXTRA CREDIT: Comment on one or both of these questions.

1.  Describe the best response of America to the 9-11 attacks and why.

2.  Describe the worst response of America to the 9-11 attacks and why.


  1. 1.America's best response to 9/11 was probably increasing airport security to prevent hijacking in the future.
    2.The worst response in my opinion is the increase in intelligence capabilities against Americans and the sneak and peak provision. The reason being that the amount of searches and information kept under the pretense of national security is nearly every case which seems like any case is given the green light by the group in charge of protecting American's privacy.
    ~Brian 2nd period

  2. After the 9// attacks America came together, many towns has community meetings to talk about it. Many people came together to help clean up, and fix the damage. They did this because it was an important time to help one another out and talk about the issues and how it affected them.
    Rainy White
    4th period

  3. 1. Helping people and looking for lost individuals. We need to bring some families peace.
    2. The invasion of Iraq. That was not fair to a peaceful country.


  4. I feel that by taking an act and moving soon after 9/11 we showed that we could do anything.
    I think that our worst response was going over and letting so many people be killed.
    Laura Williams
    4th period

  5. 1. I feel that the best response after 9/11 was increase of security throughout our airports and also paying tribute to those lives that were lost.
    2. Our worst response was he implementation of the FISA and Patriot Act that allowed sneak and peaks as well as containment of internet information shared.
    -Cheyenne 2nd Period

  6. 1. The best response to 9/11 in my opinion is increase in security. The creation of the department of homeland security, border patrol expansion, and airport security. They all keep the US safer. I truthfully hate having to get a body scan every time I fly. I don't like the hassle of coming home from Canada but they are probably for the better.
    2. The worst response to 9/11 would have to be the US patriot act. The law is supposed to find and punish terrorist and individuals or groups that help them. The law allows for the FBI to search your house or business in search for any suspicious activity. They can also search phone, computer, and even tv records. This really infringes on the 4th amendment which is protect privacy.

