Friday, January 15, 2016

American History II

American History II students have been studying our Constitution, civics, and the history behind our country's creation. In addition, we are preparing for the Citizenship Test.

EXTRA CREDIT: In preparing for the Citizenship Test, what do you would be the best way to prepare?  Also, you can comment on anything we have learned about our government during this unit.


  1. I have enjoyed learning about the Constitution. Possibly the best way for me to prepare for the test has been class discussion. I did really appreciate the video on EduCanon though. It worked well for me because it used visual and audio demonstration, and it was very straightforward. Some students like the more straightforward answers, but personally I prefer the class discussions. For example, I would have never known why the popular vote is still important when electing a president if we had not discussed this matter in class. If I had only watched the video, I wouldn't have learned the importance of the popular vote, and I would have only known that the electoral college elects the president.
    Jenna Komac

  2. I think the best way to prepare is to study with a partner, or just read the first test we took to yourself. I would do this until I knew every one, or do it every night until most of it stuck in your mind.
    Rainy White

  3. The best way to prepare for the citizenship test is to just study. I have my mom read me the questions and I try to answer them. I learned a lot about the different levels and branches. Jack

  4. The most efficient way to study for this test, in my opinion, is to go over the reviews we have done in class and watch the video that was shared through Educanon. I learned the names of the Governor, Secretary of State, and many other important leaders within the government.
    -Amanda Peterson

  5. The best way to study would be by reviewing the paper filled out in class with a friend. Also you should look at other forms and variations of questions online through videos..

  6. I think that the best way to study for the civics test was to take the practice test and then study from that.
    ~Brian Sturdevant

  7. I find that the best way to study for big tests, such as the citizenship test, is to have someone ask the questions and you answer tell you get them all right. I learned a lot about the process of how bills and laws go through our government. ☺

  8. I found that the best way to study for the citizenship test was to have someone quiz me from my study guide sheet and for all of the ones I would get wrong to re-quiz me over and over until I got them right. What I learned most about was which branch of government and which house was in charge of particular duties.
    -Cheyenne 2nd Period
