Friday, May 16, 2014

American History I

American History I students are discussing World War II.  Its causes, major battles and major events during the war.

EXTRA CREDIT: How would you compare the causes of WWI with those WWII?  Explain any of the similarities and differences.


  1. EXTRA CREDIT: How would you compare the causes of WWI with those WWII? Explain any of the similarities and differences.

    Both wars were partly caused by alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and militarism, which are also the general causes of war. However, the main event that triggered WWI was the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria, while the main trigger of WWII was the German invasion of Poland. Another thing was that WWI itself ended up being a cause of WWII, as the Treaty of Versailles left Germany in a really hard economic situation, ending up in a depression. This gave Adolf Hitler the opportunity to take control of Germany, provide hope of a way out for the German people, and turn the country into a dictatorship.

  2. The causes of WWI and WWII are very similar, in of that they are nearly the same causes just different underlying ones. Such as the basic reasons like Militarism, Nationalism and Imperialism are still evident it is just the exact examples of these causes are not the same. These similarities come from the base point, that Woodrow Wilson laid out to the world, that all wars have the same causes and the need to abolish these causes from the world. But people did not after WWI and these causes reappeared for WWII, with the addition of antisemitism. Antisemitism, the bias hatred for Jews, was a major cause of WWII as it led to the German annihilation of this people and their want to spread this hate. Imperialism became a prevalent cause in both wars through the actions of Germany and Japan, in both wars.
