AHII students have been learning about the Constitution. In addition, they are preparing to take a citizenship test that all naturalized citizens to the U.S. must pass.
EXTRA CREDIT: Passing this test is a prerequisite for becoming a citizen of our country. The test is a lengthy one that includes questions about government, our leaders, and the history of our country. Do you think it is necessary for a citizen to know these types of questions in order to be a citizen? Why or Why not?
I think it's necessary to take the citizenship test in order to be a citizen. They should take the citizenship test because then they will understand what our country is really about. I also think that a lot of people that are already citizens in this country should have to know these questions also. There are a lot of people in this country that don't know very much about this country.
ReplyDeleteI think that if there is reason to question a particular person's citizenship or loyalty to their country then they should have to know all the things on the test but if they're just a regular citizen living a normal life they shouldn't have to unless they want to.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that our citizenship test is necessary. Most American's can't even pass the test so why should we make people who aren't part of our country answer these questions. I think that we shouldn't have a test. I think they should have to write or explain to a customs officer the reason they want to be an American. In this letter or speech it would include what they are going to do in our country and also information about where they are going and things like that. Then a year or two after the letter is written and they have a chance to live here, we go back and see if they did what they said they were going to do. Anyone can answer the questions on the test with a little studying. I think that you should be allowed to be an american citizen if you are going to beneficial and a productive member of the society.
ReplyDeleteI guess it makes sense for people to have to take a test to become citizens of our country, but it doesn't really seem necessary. Looking at it from the point of view of someone who really wants to become a United State citizen, the test is probably pretty easy. If it's really important for them to become a citizen, then they will probably study hard and become one. It seems kind of stupid though, probably the majority of the US don't know half of the questions being tested on. When other people from wherever have to know most of the answers. There are already lots of things that people from other countries have to do to become a US citizen, and I think maybe having a test for them to become one is not necessary,.
ReplyDeleteI think you should have to take the test because if you can say all this bad stuff about illegal aliens and stuff then you should know more than them about your country but what i realized about it was i really had no clue about most of that and now that i took the test i will have something to back myself up while in conversation about stuff going on in the u.s. if some one talks to me.------TravisBranscome---------------
ReplyDeleteI think it is very necessary for a person to take the citizenship test to become a citizen in our country because than they will know what it is really like to be an american and how this great country was really made. And if they didn't have to take the test they would have no respect for our country.
ReplyDeleteFor someone coming from another country, I do believe it should be necessary. They should get to know a bit about our government system and the country itself before they are considered a citizen of it. If they did not we would run into a lot of problems. For example if they didn't understand who and what they were voting for, how would that be a reliable vote in the first place? There are also many other things to take into consideration...